In terms of outputs, RESOLVE has been prolific. Collectively we have published eight books, 118 journal papers, and 118 newspaper and magazine articles and numerous follow on publications since. For publications sorted by project themes, please visit the About page.



Hayward, B 2012. Children, Citizenship and Environment: Nurturing a Democratic Imagination in a Changing World. London: Routledge (in press).

Räthzel, N and D Uzzell 2012. Trade Unions in the Green Economy: Working for the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.


Evans, J and L Hunt (Eds) 2011. International Handbook on the Economics of Energy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.


Peters, M, S Fudge, and T Jackson (Eds) 2010. Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Cooper, G, A King and R Rettie (Eds) 2009. Sociological Objects: Reconfigurations of Social Theory. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without Growth - Economics for a Finite Planet. London: Earthscan.


Jackson, T (Ed) 2006. Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption. London: Earthscan.

Mulugetta, Y, A Doig and T Jackson 2006. Energy for Rural Livelihoods: a Framework for Sustainable Decision-Making. London : ITDG.

Journal Articles


Bradley P, T Jackson, A Druckman 2013. Commercial local area resource and emissions modelling—navigating towards new perspectives and applications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 42:241-253.

Bratanova, B, B Gatersleben 2012. The moral circle as a common motivational cause of cross-situational pro-environmentalism. European Journal of Social Psychology (in press).

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2012. What drives the change in the UK household energy expenditure and associated CO2 emissions, economic or non-economic factors? Applied Energy 94: 202-214.

Cooper, G, N Green, K Burningham, D Evans, and T Jackson 2012. Unravelling the threads: discourses of sustainability and consumption in an online forum. Environmental Communication (in press).

Gatersleben, B, N Murtagh, W Abrahamse 2012. Values, identity and pro-environmental behaviour. Contemporary Social Science, 9(4).

Gatersleben, B, T Jackson, J Meadows, E Soto and Y Yan 2012. Materialism and environmentalism. Exploring the views of young adults in the UK, Spain and China. Submitted to Environment and Behavior.

Green N and B Hayward 2010. Youth and the right to free assembly: ‘Anti-loitering’, ‘acoustic dispersal’ alarms and young people’s e-struggle for public space. Local Environment (under revision).

Milne, S 2012. History lessons for scenario practitioners: notes on the epistemology of historical explanation, general laws and agency. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, special issue on Scenario Method (in press).

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2012. Travel mode choice on regular journeys: identity centrality and salience. Transportation Research Part F (in press).

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2012. Self-identity threat and resistance to change: evidence on regular travel behaviour. Submitted to Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Peters, M, P Sinclair and S Fudge 2012. The potential for community groups to promote sustainable living, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (in press).

Spinney, J, N Green, K Burningham, G Cooper and D Uzzell 2012. Are we sitting comfortably? Domestic imaginaries, laptop practices, and energy use'. Environment and Planning A, 44(11):2629-2645.

Victor, P and T Jackson 2012. A commentary on the UNEP green economy scenarios. Ecological Economics (in press).


Ballantyne, R and D Uzzell 2011. Looking back - looking forward: the rise of the visitor - centred museum. Curator 54 (1): 1-8.

Broadstock, D and L Hunt 2011. Transportation oil demand, consumer preferences and asymmetric prices. Journal of Economic Studies 38 (5): 528-536.

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt, 2011. Modelling UK household expenditure: economic versus non-economic drivers. Applied Economics Letters, 18 (8), 753-767.

Dilaver, Z, and L Hunt 2011. Turkish aggregate electricity demand: an outlook to 2020. Energy 36 (11): 6686-6696.

Dilaver, Z and L Hunt 2011. Modelling and forecasting Turkish residential electricity demand. Energy Policy 39 (6): 3117-3127.

Dilaver, Z and L Hunt 2011. Industrial electricity demand for Turkey: a Structural Time Series analysis. Energy Economics 33 (3): 423-436.

Druckman, A, M Chitnis, S Sorrell and T Jackson 2011. Missing carbon reductions? Exploring rebound and backfire effects in UK households. Energy Policy 39: 3572–3581.

Durrant, A, D Frohlich, A Sellen and D Uzzell 2011. The secret life of teens: online versus offline photographic displays at home. Visual Studies 26 (2): 113-124.

Evans, D 2010. Consuming conventions: sustainable consumption, ecological citizenship and the worlds of worth. Journal of Rural Studies 27 (2).

Fillippini, M and L Hunt 2011. Energy demand and energy efficiency in the OECD countries: A stochastic demand frontier approach. The Energy Journal 32 (2): 59-80.

Fudge, S and M Peters 2011. Behaviour in the UK climate debate: an assessment of responsibility, agency and political dimensions. Sustainability 3 (6): 789-808.

Fudge, S, M Peters, Y Mulugetta and T Jackson 2011. Paradigms, policy and governance: the politics of energy regulation in the UK post-2000. Environmental Policy and Governance 21 (4): 291-302.

Jackson, T 2011. Societal transformations for a sustainable economy. Natural Resources Forum 35: 155-164.

Jackson, T and P Victor 2011. Productivity and work in the new economy: some theoretical reflections and empirical tests. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 1(1): 101-108.

Marcu, A, D Uzzell and J Barnett 2011. Making sense of unfamiliar risks in the countryside: the case of Lyme disease. Health and Place 17 (3): 843-850.

Pepper, M, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2011. An examination of Christianity and socially conscious and frugal consumer behaviours. Environment and Behavior 43(2): 274-290.

Quine, C, J Barnett, A Dobson, A Marcu, M Marzano, D Moseley, L O'Brien, S Randolph, J Taylor and D Uzzell 2011. Frameworks for risk communication and disease management: the case of Lyme disease and countryside users. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366 (1573): 2010-2022.

Räthzel, N and D Uzzell 2011. Natur oder Arbeit? Dilemmata und Perspektiven gewerkschaftlicher Umweltpolitik, DasArgument. Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences 249: 734-744.

Räthzel, N and D Uzzell 2011. Trade unions and climate change: the jobs versus environment dilemma. Global Environmental Change 21: 1215-1223.

Spinney, J 2011. A chance to catch a breath: using mobile video ethnography in cycling research. Mobilities 6 (2): 161-182 


Acuna-Rivera, M, D Uzzell and J Brown 2010. Perceptions of disorder, risk and safety: The method and framing effects. Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje Psycology: Revista Bilingüe de Psicología Ambiental - Bilingual Journal of Environmental Psychology 2 (2): 167-177.

Adeyemi, O, D Broadstock, M Chitnis, L Hunt and G Judge 2010. Asymmetric Price Response and the Underlying Energy Demand Trend: Are they Substitutes or Complements?  Evidence from Modelling OECD Aggregate Energy Demand. Energy Economics 32 (5): 1157-1164.

Bottrill, C, D Liverman and M Boykoff (January-March 2010). Carbon Soundings: greenhouse gas emissions of the UK music industry. Environ. Res. Lett. Volume 5, No. 1.

Broadstock, D, A Collins and L Hunt 2010. Modelling car trip generations for UK residential developments using data from TRICS. Transportation Planning and Technology 33 (8): 671-678.

Broadstock, D and L Hunt 2010. Quantifying the change in exogenous non-economic factors in UK transport Oil Demand using the Structural Time Series Model. Energy Policy 38 (3): 1559-1565.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2010. The bare necessities: How much household carbon do we really need? Ecological Economics 69 (9):1794-1804.

Evans, D 2010. Thrifty green or frugal: reflections on sustainable consumption on a changing economic climate. Geoforum 42 (5): 550-557.

Evans, D 2010. Consuming conventions: sustainable consumption, ecological citizenship and the worlds of worth. Journal of Rural Studies 27 (2): 109-115.

Gatersleben, B and H Haddad 2010. Who is the typical cyclist? Transportation Research, part F. 13: 41-48

Gatersleben, B, E White, W Abrahamse, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2010. Values and sustainable lifestyles. Architectural Science Review 53 (1): 37-50.

Hunt, L, D Broadstock and A Collins 2010. Modelling car trip generations for the UK residential developments using data from TRICS. Transportation Planning and Technology 33 (8): 671-678.

Mulugetta, Y, T Jackson and D van der Horst 2010. Carbon reduction at community scale. Energy Policy 38 (12): 7541-7545.

Nigbur, D, E Lyons and D Uzzell 2010. Attitudes, norms, identity and environmental behaviour: Using and expanded theory of planned behaviour to predict participation in a kerbside recycling programme. British Journal of Social Psychology 49 (2): 259-284.

Oh, I, W Wehrmeyer and Y Mulugetta 2010. Decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions from energy consumption in multiple sectors in South Korea. Energy Policy 38 (1): 364-377.

Pepper, M, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2010. A study of multidimensional religion constructs and values in the United Kingdom. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 49 (1): 127-146.

Peters, M, S Fudge and P Sinclair 2010. Mobilising community action towards a low carbon future: opportunities and challenges for local government in the UK. Energy Policy 38: 7596–7603, Special Issue 'Carbon Reduction at Community Scale'.

Räthzel, N, D Uzzell and D Elliot 2010. Can trade unions become environmental innovators? Soundings 46: 76-87.

Shaw, R, M Attree and T Jackson 2010. Developing electricity distribution networks and their regulation to support sustainable energy. Energy Policy 38 (10): 5927-5937.

Spinney, J 2010. Performing resistance? Re-reading urban cycling on London’s South Bank. Environment and Planning A 42(12): 2914-2937.

Uzzell, D 2010. Collective Solutions to a global problem. The Psychologist 23 (11): 880-883.


Abrahamse, W, L Steg, R Gifford and C Vlek 2009. Factors Influencing car use for commuting and the intention to reduce it: A question of self-interest or morality? Transportation Research-F Psychology and Behaviour 12: 317-324.

Abrahamse, W and L Steg 2009. How do socio-demographic and psychological factors relate to households' direct and indirect energy use and savings. Journal of Economic Psychology 30: 711-720.

Alexander, C, A Druckman, T Jackson and C Osinski 2009. Estimations of household material flows in deprived areas. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Waste and Resource Management 162: 129-139.

Atkinson, J, T Jackson and E Mullings-Smith 2009. Market influence on the low carbon energy refurbishment of existing multi-residential buildings. Energy Policy 37: 2582-2593.

Bradley, P, C Thomas, A Druckman and T Jackson 2009. Accounting for food waste: comparative analysis within the UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Waste and Resource Management 162: 5-13.

Dickinson, J, T Jackson, M Matthews and A Cripps 2009. The economic and environmental optimisation of integrating ground source energy systems into buildings. Energy 34: 2215-2222.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. The carbon footprint of UK households 1990-2004: a socio-economically disaggregated, quasi-multiregional input-output model. Ecological Economics 68 (7): 2066–2077.

Evans, D and W Abrahamse, W 2009. Beyond rhetoric: the possibilities of and for 'sustainable lifestyle. Environmental Politics 18 (4): 486-502.

Fudge, S and M Peters 2009. Motivating carbon reduction in the UK: the role of local government as an agent of social change. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 6 (2): 103-120.

Fudge, S 2009. Reconciling agency with structure: the contradictions and paradoxes of Wales' 2000-2006 Objective 1 programme. Critical Social Policy 29 (1): 53-76.

Gifford, R, L Scannell, C Kormas, L Smolova, A Beil, S Boncu, V Corral, K Hanyu, D Hine, F Kaiser et al. 2009. Temporal pessimism and spatial optimism in environmental assessments: an 18th nation study. Journal of Environmental Psychology 29 (1): 1-12.

Hogg, N and T Jackson 2009. Digital media and dematerialization: an exploration of the potential for reduced material intensity in music delivery. Journal of Industrial Ecology 13 (1): 127-146.

Jackson, T 2009. Recovery without growth? Renewal 17 (3): 43-56.

Jackson, T 2009. Beyond the growth economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology 13 (4): 487-490.

Mulugetta, Y 2009. Evaluating the economies of biofuels in Africa. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13: 1592-1598.

O'Brien, K, B Hayward and F Berkes 2009. Rethinking social contracts: building resilience in a changing climate. Ecology and Society 14 (2): 17.

Papathanasopoulou, E and T Jackson 2009. Measuring fossil resource inequality - a longitudinal case study for the UK: 1968 - 2000. Ecological Economics 68 (4): 1213-1225.

Papathanasopoulou, E and T Jackson 2009. The United Kingdom's fossil resource consumption between 1968 and 2000. Journal of Industrial Ecology 14 (2): 354-370.

Pepper, M, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2009. An examination of the values that drive socially conscious and frugal consumer behaviours. International Journal of Consumer Studies 33(2): 126-136.

Räthzel, N and D Uzzell 2009. Changing relations in global environmental change. Global Environmental Change 19: 326-335.

Räthzel, N and D Uzzell 2009. Transformative environmental education: a collective rehearsal for reality. Environmental Education Research 15 (3): 263-277.

Uzzell, D 2009. The significance of public places for the people of Bogota. Revista Latinoamericana De Psicologia 41 (1): 156-157.

Uzzell, D and N Räthzel 2009. Transforming environmental psychology. Journal of Environmental Psychology 29 (3): 340-350.

Spence, A, N Pidgeon and D Uzzell 2009. Climate change: sparking off debate about the hot topic. The Psychologist 22 (2): 118-121.

Spinney, J. 2009. Cycling the city: movement, meaning and method. Geography Compass 3 (2): 817-835.

Uzzell, D and G Moser 2009. Introduction: environmental psychology on the move. Journal of Environmental Psychology 29: 307-308.


Amarawickrama, H and L Hunt 2008. Electricity demand for Sri Lanka: a Time Series Analysis. Energy 33 (5): 724-739.

Chontanawat, J, R Pierse and L Hunt 2008. Does energy consumption cause economic growth? Evidence from a systematic study of over 100 countries. Journal of Policy Modelling 30 (2): 209-220.

Druckman, A, P Sinclair and T Jackson 2008. A geographically and socio-economically disaggregated local household consumption model for the UK. Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (7): 870-880.

Druckman, A, P Bradley, E Papathanasopoulou and T Jackson 2008. Measuring progress towards carbon reduction in the UK. Ecological Economics 66(4): 594-604.

Druckman, A, T Jackson and P Sinclair 2008. Measuring resource inequalities: development and application of an area-based Gini coefficient. Ecological Economics. 65 (2): 242-252.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2008. Household energy consumption in the UK: a highly geographically and socio-economically disaggregated model. Energy Policy 36 (8): 3167– 3182.

Fudge, S and D Dunkerley 2008. Appropriating liberalism? Regimes of accumulation and the role of citizenship. Theory and Action 1 (4): 27-49.

Gatersleben, B 2008. Humans and nature; ten useful findings from environmental psychology research. Counselling Psychology Review 23 (2): 24-34.

Hogg, N and T Jackson 2008. Dematerialisation and digital media. Journal of Industrial Ecology 13 (1): 127-146.

Jackson, T and E Papathanasopoulou 2008. Luxury or Lock-in? An examination of unsustainable consumption in the UK 1968-2000. Ecological Economics. 68 (1-2): 80-95.

Jackson, T 2008. Where is the wellbeing dividend? Nature, structure and consumption inequalities. Local Environment 13 (8): 703-724.

Jeswani, H, W Wehrmeyer and Y Mulugetta 2008. How warm is the corporate response to climate change in Pakistan and the UK. Business Strategy and the Environment 17 (1): 46-60.

Mulugetta, Y 2008. Human capacity and institutional development towards sustainable energy in Africa: diagnosis and interventions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12 (5): 1435-1450.

Papathanasopoulou, E, and T. Jackson 2008. Fossil resource trade balances: emerging trends for the UK. Ecological Economics 66 (2-3): 492-505.

Spinney, J 2008. Cycling between the traffic: mobility, identity and space. Urban Design Journal 108: 28-30.

Spinney, J 2008. Cycling the City: mobility, meaning and method. Geography Compass 3 (2): 817-835.

Uzzell, D 2008. Challenging assumptions in the psychology of climate change. Psych Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society 30 (4): 10-13.

Uzzell, D 2008. People-environment relationships in a digital world. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 25 (1): 94-105.

Ying Yang, L and S Fudge 2008. Environmental values and lifestyles of young people in Kunming of China. Kunming University Journal 30 (3): 64-67.


Abrahamse, W 2007. The effect of tailored information, goal setting, and tailored feedback on household energy use, energy-related behaviours and behavioural antecedents. Journal of Environmental Psychology 27: 265-276.

Adeyemi, O and L Hunt 2007. Modelling OECD industrial energy demand: Asymmetric price responses and energy-saving technical change. Energy Economics 29 (4): 693-709.

Ahmadian, M, M Chitnis and L Hunt 2007. Gasoline demand, pricing policy and social welfare in the Islamic Republic of Iran. OPEC Review 31 (2): 105-124.

Black, C, D Broadstock, A Collins and L Hunt 2007. The derived demand for traffic at food superstores in the UK: A semi-parametric regression approach. International Journal of Transport Economics 34 (3): 403-427.

Black, C, D Broadstock, A Colin and L Hunt 2007. Filling in the gaps' in transport studies: A practical guide to developments in data imputation methods. Traffic Engineering and Control 48 (7): 358-363.

Bonnes, M, D Uzzell, G Carrus and T Kelay 2007. Inhabitants' and experts' assessments of environmental quality for urban sustainability. Journal of Social Issues 63 (1): 59-78.

Davis, J, R Geyer, J Ley, J He, R Clift, A Kwan, M Sansom and T Jackson 2007. Time-dependent material flow analysis of iron and steel in the UK - part 2: scrap generation and recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 118-140.

Gatersleben, B and D Uzzell 2007. Affective appraisals of the daily commute: comparing perceptions of drivers, cyclists, walkers and users of public transport. Environment and Behavior. 39 (3): 416-431.

Gatersleben, B, C Clark, A Reeve and D Uzzell 2007. The impact of a new transport link on residential communities. Journal of Environmental Psychology 27 (2): 145-153.

Gatersleben, B and K Appleton 2007. Contemplating cycling to work; attitudes and perceptions in different stages of change. Transportation Research Part A. Policy and Practice 4: 302-312.

Geyer, R, J Davis, J Ley, J He, R Clift, A Kwan, M Sansom and T Jackson 2007. Time-dependent material flow analysis of iron and steel in the UK - Part 1: production and consumption trends 1970-2000. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 101-117.

Hawdon, D, P Levine, N Rickman and L Hunt 2007. Optimal sliding scale regulation: an application to regional electricity distribution in England and Wales. Oxford Economic Papers 59 (3): 458-485.

Mulugatta, Y Mantajit and T Jackson 2007. Power sector scenarios for Thailand: an exploratory analysis 2002-2022. Energy Policy 35 (6): 3256-3269.

Thomson, J and T Jackson 2007. Sustainable procurement in practice: lessons from local government. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 50 (3): 421-444.

Uzzell, D and J Brown 2007. Conceptual progress in understanding fear of crime in railway stations. Psicologia 21 (2): 119-137.


De Vita, G Endresan and L Hunt 2006. An empirical analysis of Namibian energy demand. Energy Policy 34 (18): 3447-3463.

Dresner, S, T Jackson and N Gilbert 2006. History and social responses to environmental tax reform in the UK. Energy Policy 34: 930-939.

Fudge, S and S Williams 2006. Beyond left and right: can the third way deliver a reinvigorated social democracy? Critical Sociology 32 (4): 583-602.

Fudge, S 2006. Democratizing the economic and political landscape in South Wales? Contemporary Wales 19 (4): 1-16.

Steg, L, L Dreijerink and W Abrahamse 2006. Acceptability of energy policies. Environment and Behavior. 38.


RESOLVE Working Papers


Chitnis, M, A Druckman, L C Hunt, T Jackson and S Milne 2012. Forecasting UK household expenditure and associated GHG emissions: outlook to 2030. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 02-12. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A, I Buck, B Hayward and T Jackson 2012. Carbon and time: A study of the carbon implications of British adults use of time. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 01-12. Guildford: University of Surrey.


Bedford, T, P Collingwood, A Darnton, D Evans, B Gatersleben, W Abrahamse and T Jackson 2011. Guilt: an effective motivator for pro-environmental behaviour change? RESOLVE Working Paper Series, 07-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Bedford, T, K Burningham, G Cooper, N Green, and T Jackson 2011. Sustainable leisure: escalations, constraints and implications. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 12-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Bedford, T 2011. Negotiating ethical consumerism in everyday life, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 13-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A, D Hirsch, K Perren and J Beckhelling 2011. Sustainable income standards: possibilities for greener minimum consumption, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 14-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge, S, Y Mulugetta, M Peters and T Jackson 2011. The political economy of the UNFCCC: negotiating consensus within the capitalist world system, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 02-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge, S and Y Mulugetta 2011. Regulating climate change and governing environmental risk in the EU: a Gramscian framework for analysis, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 03-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge, S 2011. Barriers for energy changes among end consumers and households: UK national report of Focus Group discussions for the EU framework 7 BarEnergy Project, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 11-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge, S and T Bedford 2011. Barriers for energy changes among end consumers and households: UK national report of stakeholder interviews for the EU Framework 7 BarEnergy project, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 10-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge, S, and M Peters 2011. The national dialogue on behaviour change in UK climate, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 04-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Gatersleben, B 2011. 21st century living project: Analyses of second value survey and comparative analyses, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 06-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Milne, S 2011. Consuming carbon supplementary data: RESOLVE Scenarios to 2030 for UK household consumption. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 15-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2011. Resistance to change regular travel behaviour: self-identity threat, previous travel behaviour and psychological reactance, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 01-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Peters, M, P Sinclair and S Fudge 2011. Promoting sustainable living through community groups and voluntary organisations, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 08-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.

White, E, D Uzzell, B Gatersleben and N Räthzel 2011. Changing tastes: meat in our life histories, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 05-11. Guildford: University of Surrey.


Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2010. Contribution of economic versus non-economic drivers of UK household expenditure, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 03-10. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A, and T Jackson 2010. An exploration into the carbon footprint of UK households, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 02-10. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A., M. Chitnis, S Sorrell and T Jackson 2010. An investigation into the rebound and backfire effects from abatement actions by UK households. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 05-10. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Hayward, B 2011. The Social handprint: understanding decentred citizen agency and UK UnCut, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 06-10. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2010. Travel mode choice on regular journeys: identity centrality and salience. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 04-10. Guildford: University of Surrey.

White, E, D Uzzell, N Räthzel and B Gatersleben 2010. Using life histories in psychology: a methodological guide, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 01-10. Guildford: University of Surrey. 


Abrahamse, W, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2009. Encouraging sustainable food consumption: the role of (threatened) identity. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 04-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Chitnis, M, and L C Hunt 2009. Modelling UK household expenditure: economic versus non-economic drivers. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 07-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2009. What drives the change in UK household energy expenditure and associated CO2 emissions, economic or non-economic factors? RESOLVE Working Paper Series 08-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. The bare necessities: how much household carbon do we really need? RESOLVE Working Paper Series 05-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A, and T Jackson 2009. Mapping our carbon responsibilities: more key results from the Surrey Environmental Lifestyle MApping Framework (SELMA), RESOLVE Working Paper Series 02-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Gatersleben, B, E White, W Abrahamse, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2009. Materialism and environmental concern. Examining values and lifestyle choices among participants of the 21st century living project, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 01-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Milne, S 2009. Scenarios and personas: towards a methodology for portraying the carbon-intensity of UK lifestyles to 2030, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 06-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.

White, E and B Gatersleben 2009. EU report: Barenergy WP5. Trust in government across 7 European countries: examining the relationship with values and behavioural antecedents, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 03-09. Guildford: University of Surrey.


Evans, D and W Abrahamse 2008. Beyond rhetoric: the possibilities of and for 'sustainable lifestyles', RESOLVE Working Paper Series 06-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Evans, D and T Jackson 2008. Sustainable consumption: perspectives from social and cultural theory. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 05-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2008. The Surrey Environmental Lifestyle MApping (SELMA) framework: development and key results to date. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 08-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge S, L Hunt, T Jackson, Y Mulugetta and M Peters 2008. The political economy of energy regulation 1945-2008. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 02-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge S and Y Mulugetta 2008. Reconciling markets and governance: energy regulation in the UK 1945-present.  RESOLVE Working Paper Series 03-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Gatersleben, B, J Meadows, W Abrahamse and T Jackson 2008. Materialistic and environmental values of young volunteers in nature conservation projects. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 07-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Peters, M and S Fudge 2008. Motivating individual carbon reduction through local government-led community initiatives in the UK: the role of local government as an agent of social change, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 04-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Peters, M and T Jackson 2008. Community action: a force for social change? Some conceptual observations. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 01-08. Guildford: University of Surrey.


Druckman, A and T Jackson 2007. The Local Area Resource Analysis (LARA) Model: concepts, methodology and applications, RESOLVE Working Paper Series 02-07. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Evans, D 2007. Attitudes, values and culture: qualitative approaches to 'values' as an empirical category. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 04-07. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Evans, D and T Jackson 2007. Towards a sociology of sustainable lifestyles. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 03-07. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Jackson, T, E Papathanasopoulou, P Bradley and A Druckman 2007. Attributing UK carbon emissions to functional consumer needs: methodology and pilot results. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 01-07. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Peters, M 2007. Lifestyle research study: selected findings from a questionnaire-based survey with residents in the London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames. RESOLVE Working Paper Series 05-07. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Book Chapters


Armstrong, A, B Gatersleben and T Jackson 2012. Can mindfulness help reduce consumption? In T Jackson and I Christie (Eds) Lifestyles, Values and the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2012. How much carbon do households really need? In H Herring (Ed) Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050. Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fudge, S, Y Mulugetta, T Jackson and M Peters 2012. Paradigms, policy and governance: the politics of energy regulation in the UK post-2000.  In T Jackson and I Christie (Eds) Lifestyles, Values and the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.

Fudge S 2012. Exploring barriers to more sustainable energy use across six EU countries: the BarEnergy project. In T Jackson and I Christie (Eds) Lifestyles, Values and the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.

Jackson T 2012. Prosperity without growth. In F Hinterberger, E Freytag, E Pirgmaier and M Schuster (Eds) Growth in transition 62-65. Abington/New York: Earthscan/Routlegde.

Milne, S 2012. Economic approaches to behaviour change for sustainability.  In S Fudge et al. (Eds) International Approaches to Sustainable Behaviour Change. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.

Milne, S 2012. Carbon intensity of UK household consumption: scenarios to 2030. In T Jackson and I Christie (Eds) Lifestyles, Values and the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2012. Threatened identities: change and resistance to change. In T Jackson and I Christie (Eds) Lifestyles, Values and the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2012. Identity threat and resistance to change: evidence and implications from transport-related behaviour. In R Jaspal and G Breakwell (Eds) Identity Process Theory: Identity, Social Action and Social Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Spinney, J, K Burningham, G Cooper, N Green (in preparation). What’s wrong with a faster horse? Innovation, agency and sustainable consumption in the IT industry. In T Jackson and I Christie (Eds) Lifestyles, Values and the Environment. London: Earthscan/Taylor and Francis.

Thompson, S, N Marks and T Jackson 2012. Well-being and Sustainable Development. In S David, I Boniwell and A Conley (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Happiness. Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press).

Uzzell, D (in press). Greening the office and job satisfaction. In L Rubens, M Pierrette (Eds) Psychology at Work. Paris.


Gatersleben, B 2011. The car as a material possession. Exploring the link between materialism and car ownership and use. In K Lucas, E Blumenberg and R Weinberger (Eds) Auto Motives. Understanding Car Use Behaviours 137-150. Bingley: Emerald.

Gatersleben, B and L Steg 2011 (in press). Affect and environmental behaviour. In L Steg, A E Van den Bergh and J I M de Groot (Eds) Environmental Psychology: An introduction. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Gatersleben, B 2011 (in press). Measuring environmental behaviour. In L Steg, A E Van den Bergh and J I M de Groot (Eds) Environmental Psychology: An introduction. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Hayward, B, T Jackson and D Evans 2011. UK youth: the conflicts of contemporary lifestyles visions for change: global survey of sustainable lifestyles UNEP Paris: 99-105.

Hayward, B 2011. Addressing dangerous climate change: Why citizenship matters more than behaviour change. In J Lawrence, A Cornforth and P Barrett (Eds) Climate Futures: Pathways for Society 75-79. Wellington: NZ Climate Change research institute and Victoria University Press.

Hayward, B, H Donald and E Okeroa 2011. Flourishing: young lives well lived in New Zealand. In Visions for Change: Country papers 56-61. Paris: UNEP Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles.

Jackson, T 2011. Confronting consumption: challenges for economics and for policy. In S Dietz, J Michie and C Oughton (Eds) The Political Economy of the Environment: an Interdisciplinary approach 189-212. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.


Abrahamse, W 2010.  The social dimension of pro-environmental behaviour change. In M Peters, S Fudge and T Jackson (Eds) Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally 47-58. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Evans, D 2010. Sustainable communities: neo-tribalism between modern lifestyles and social change. In M Peters, S Fudge and T Jackson (Eds) Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally 33-46. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Fudge, S 2010. Transforming the nation-state through environmentalism: political influences on a multi-level governance framework in the UK. In M Peters, S Fudge and T Jackson (Eds) Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally 61-74. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Gatersleben, B, E White, W Abrahamse, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2010. Values and sustainable lifestyles. In S Roaf (Ed) Transforming Markets in the Built Environment: Adapting for Climate Change 37-50. London: Earthscan.

Hayward, B and K O’Brien 2010.  Security for whom?  Social contracts in a changing climate. In K O'Brien, A L St Clair and B Kristoffersen (Eds) Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security 215-227. Cambridge: University Press.

Jackson, T and M Pepper 2010. Consumerism as theodicy: religious and secular meaning functions in modern society. In L Thomas (Ed) Religion, Consumerism and Sustainability: Paradise Lost? 17-36. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave - Macmillan.

Mulugetta, Y 2010. Political ecology of carbon trading in Africa. In T Reddy (Ed) Climate Change in Africa: Governance of Carbon Trading. Cape Town: Institute of Strategic Studies.

Peters, M 2010. Community engagement and social organisation: introducing concepts, policy and practical applications. In M Peters, S Fudge and T Jackson (Eds) Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally 13-32. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Peters, M, S Fudge and T Jackson 2010. Introduction. In M Peters, S Fudge and T Jackson (Eds) Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally 1-9. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Spinney, J 2010. Mobilising sustainability: partnership working between a pro-cycling NGO and local government in London (UK). In M Peters, S Fudge and T Jackson (Eds) Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally 89-107. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Spinney, J 2010. Improvising rhythms: re-reading urban time and space through everyday practices of cycling. In T Edensor (Ed) Geographies of rhythm 113-128. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Steg, L and W Abrahamse 2010. How to promote energy savings among households: theoretical and practical  approaches. In V Corral-Verdugo and C H Garcia-Cadena (Eds) Psychological Approaches to Sustainability: Worldwide Current Trends in Research 61-82. New York: Nova Publishers.

Uzzell, D 2010. Comentarios criticos para momentos criticos: cuestionando la contribucion de la psicologia a una sociedad sostenible. In R G Mira and P V Marcote (Eds) Sostenibilidad, Valores y Cultura Ambiental 113-126. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide

Uzzell, D and N Räthzel 2010. La contextualisation de la psychologie environnementale: la nécessaire évolution de la psychologie environnementale. In K Weiss and F Girandola (Eds) Psychologie et développement durable 247 – 277. Paris: In Press.


Douglas, S and M Pepper 2009. Is ‘green’ religion the answer to the ecological crisis? A reflection in the context of the English-speaking West. In B Mukherjee, R Ray and S K Basu (Eds) Environment: Gathering Crises 212-240. New Delhi: Akansha.

Spinney, J and K Brown 2009. Come ride with me: using video as part of a mobile methodology. In Fincham B, M McGuiness, L Murray (Eds) Mobile Methodologies 130-151. Palgrave: Hants

Thomas-Pellicer, R and T Jackson 2009. Reconstructing cultures of sustainable consumption: towards a deconstruction of the global polity. In S Datta Banik and S Kumar Basu (Eds) Environmental Challenges of the 21st Century 271-343. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.

Uzzell, D 2009. Where is the discipline in heritage studies? A view from environmental psychology. In M L S Sorenson and J Carman (Eds) Heritage Studies: methods and approaches 326-333. London: Routledge.

Wilson-Kelly, N and B Hayward 2009. Young women voters: what makes them tick? In K. McMillan, J Leslie and E McLeay (Eds) Rethinking Women and Politics: New Zealand and Comparative Perspectives 131-148. Wellington: Victoria University Press.


Jackson, T 2008. The challenge of sustainable lifestyles. In G Gardner and T Prugh (Eds) State of the World 2008 45-60. Washington DC: WorldWatch Institute.

Jackson, T 2008. Motivating sustainable consumption. In S Reddy (Ed) Green Consumerism-approaches and country experiences 94-107. Hyderabad: Ifcai University Press.

Jackson, T 2008. Sustainable consumption and lifestyle change. In A Lewis (Ed) A Handbook of Economic Psychology 335-362. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Gatersleben, B 2007. Affective and symbolic aspects of car use: a review. In T Garling and L Steg (Eds) Threats to the Quality of Urban Life from Car Traffic: Problems, Causes and Solutions 219-234. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Jackson, T 2007. Sustainable consumption. In G Atkinson, S Dietz and E Neumayer (Eds) A handbook of Sustainable Development 254-268. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Moser, G and D Uzzell 2007. Environmental psychology. In R Baumeister and K D Vohs (Eds) Encyclopaedia of Social Psychology 302 – 306. San Francisco: Sage.

Mulugetta, Y 2007. Globalisation: The battle for solidarity and effective resistance. In A Boran and P Cox (Eds) Implications of Globalisation. Chester: Chester Academic Press.

Uzzell, D and R Ballantyne 2007. Heritage that hurts: interpretation in a post-modern world. In G Fairclough, R Harrison, J Jameson Jnr and J Schofield (Eds) The Cultural Heritage Reader 152-171. New York: Routledge.


Black, C, D Broadstock, A Collins and L C Hunt 2006. Towards sustainable urban development: traffic generation at food superstores in the UK. In C A Brebbia and V Dolezel (Eds) Urban Transport XXII: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century 61-70. Ashurst: WIT Press.

Jackson, T 2006. Challenges for sustainable consumption policy. In T Jackson (Ed) Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption 109-126. London: Earthscan.

Jackson, T 2006. Consuming paradise? Towards a socio-cultural psychology of sustainable consumption. In T Jackson (Ed) Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption 367-395. London: Earthscan

Jackson, T 2006. Readings in sustainable consumption. In T Jackson (Ed) Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption 1-23. London: Earthscan.

Conference Papers


Bedford, T 2011. Serious and meaningful leisure: constraints and implications. Statens Institutt For Fobruksforskning Norweigan national Consumer Council - Stakeholder Workshop on Sustainability.  March 2011, Norway.

Bottrill, C 2011. Carbon soundings: responses of the music industry to climate change. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference, 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Cowen, L and B Gatersleben 2011. Technology as a remedy for high energy use. Investigating the rebound effect. Environmental Psychology, 26-29 September 2011, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Gatersleben, B 2011. Young people, consumption and the environment. IAREP, Economic Psychology Conference, 11-15 July 2011, Exeter, UK.

Gatersleben, B, T Jackson, J Meadows, E Soto and Y Yan 2011. Materialism and environmentalism; views of young adults in the UK, Spain and China. Paper presented at IAREP, SABE, ICABEEP conference 13 June 2011, Exeter, UK.

Jackson, T 2011. Living sustainably: a view from the bridge. living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference, 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Peters, M 2011. The promise/limitations of community groups in promoting sustainable consumption and behaviour at local level. Sixth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 11-13 July, The University of New Orleans, USA.


Bradley, P, T Jackson and A. Druckman 2010. Commercial Local Area Resource and Emissions Modelling (CLARE). International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference, 22-25 August 2010, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.

Druckman, A, M Chitnis, S Sorrell and T Jackson 2010. Missing carbon reductions? Exploring rebound and backfire effects in UK households. The 14th European Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption (ERSCP), 25-29 October 2010, Delft, The Netherlands.

Druckman, A 2010. Mapping the material and carbon flows of UK lifestyles. Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining: Innovation Towards Sustainable Materials,10 November 2010, The Royal Society, London, UK.

Druckman, A, M Chitnis, S Sorrell and T Jackson 2010. Shifting sands? Exploring rebound and backfire in a changing economy. International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 11th Biennial Conference: Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis, 22-25 August 2010, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.

Hayward, B 2010. The social handprint: decentred environmental citizenship. Politics, Poetics and Ethics Conference, 3-5 Dec 2010, University College, London, UK.

Hayward, B, T Jackson and M Aoyangi-Usui. Beyond happiness: how children of the market understand freedom, agency and optionality in Japan, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. International Institute for Ecological Economics Conference, Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis, 22-25 August 2010, Oldenburg, Bremen, Germany.

Hayward, B 2010. Bowling with a sponsor: children's changing attitudes to citizenship, environment and political agency. A New Zealand case study. British Political Science Association, 60th Political Studies Annual Conference, March 2010, Edinburgh, UK.

White, E, D Uzzell D and B Gatersleben 2010. Using life histories in outdoors research. Paper presented at Outdoors and Health Network Final Workshop, 24 March 2010, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK.


Abrahamse, W 2009. Community-based approaches to encourage pro-environmental behaviour.  8th Biennial Conference of Environmental Psychology, 6-9 September 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.

Abrahamse, W 2009. A review of interventions to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 August 2009, Chicago, USA.

Abrahamse, W 2009. The role of identity encouraging sustainable food consumption. 8th Biennial Conference of Environmental Psychology. 6-9 September 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.

Bedford, T and D Evans 2009. Frugality, normality, morality: wastefulness  consumption. SDRN Conference. 24 September, 2009,  Conference Centre, Wellcome Collection, London, UK.

Bedford, T 2009. Identity and policy: Who, how and why. SCI Workshop Alternative Approaches to Habits, 11-12 June 2009, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. Where does all the carbon go? Mapping carbon lifestyles. SDRN Annual Sustainable Development Research Conference, 24 September 2009, London, UK.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. The delights of data: deficiencies in the Quagmire? 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. Transitions Towards Sustainability. 21-24 June 2009. Lisbon, Portugal.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. The delights of data: deficiencies in the Quagmire? Carbon Accounting Conference, 11 March 2009, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. The bare necessities: how much carbon do we really need? 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. Transitions Towards Sustainability, 21-24 June 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2009. The carbon footprint of the UK: Exploring its trends and drivers using a quasi-multi-regional input-output model.  ESRC Stakeholder Seminar on Accounting for and Modelling the Pollution Content of Trade Flows, Carbon Footprints and other Indicators of Sustainable Development, 6 April 2009, Glamorgan Building, Cardiff, Wales.

Evans, D 2009. Researching practice: removing ‘the environment” from the study of pro-environmental behaviour. Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference, 26 August 2009, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Evans, D 2009. Sustainable consumption: citizenship and the public good: a conventions theory perspective. Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference. 26 August 2009, University of Manchester, UK.

Evans, D 2009. Thrifty, green or frugal: sustainable consumption in the context of economic crisis.  Sustainable Lives? The Challenges of low carbon living in a changing economic climate. New Connaught Rooms, London, UK.

Gatersleben, B 2009. RESOLVE. Research on lifestyles, values and the environment. Psychology and Climate Change Policy Conference, Royal Society of Arts, London, UK.

Gatersleben, B 2009. Affective and symbolic aspects of travel. First Conference on energy efficiency and behaviour, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Gatersleben, B 2009 Lifestyles, values and the environment: materialism and environmentalism. SCI Workshop Acquiring Habits and Motivating Change, Manchester, UK.

Jackson, T and G Cooper 2009. From the sublime to the ridiculous: lessons from interdisciplinary research in lifestyles, values and environment. 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science, Athens, Greece.

Jackson, T and B. Hayward 2009. Global sustainable lifestyle survey: attitudes of UK youth respondents. United Nations Environment Programme Global Survey International Research Workshop, Paris, France.

Peters, M 2009. Community engagement and education: key concepts, opportunities and challenges. Sustainable Lives? The challenges of low-carbon living in a changing economic climate, London, UK.

Uzzell, D, E White and B Gatersleben 2009. Using the life history approach to examine food practices, 8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, 6-9 September 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.

White, E and D Uzzell 2009. Using the life history approach to examine food practices. Paper presented at the RESOLVE Conference, 18 June 2009, London, UK.


Acuna-Rivera, M, D Uzzell, and J Brown 2008. Disorder and perceived risk: their influence in perceived safety. 2008 IAPS conference: urban diversities, biosphere and well-being, Rome, Italy.

Bottrill, C 2008. Internet tools for behaviour change. European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 2007 Summer Study, France.

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2008. UK Household energy expenditure and CO2 emissions. 2nd Asian Conference of the IAEE, 5-7 November 2008, Perth, Australia.

Cooper, G, C Bottrill, K Burningham, D Evans, N Green and T Jackson 2008. Unravelling the threads: discourses of sustainability and consumption. 4S/EASST Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Dickinson, J S, A J Cripps, T Jackson and M Matthews 2008. Analysing the economic and carbon dioxide reduction viability of GSHPS in the UK into the future. Heat Pump 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2008. The carbon footprint of UK households 1990-2004: a socio-economically disaggregated quasi-multi-regional input-output model. The 2008 International Input-Output Meeting on Managing the Environment, 9-11 July 2008, Seville, Spain.

Druckman, A, P Bradley, T Jackson, C J Banks, A Maycox, T Khan, C Thomas and M Yoxon 2008.  Waste and resource mapping. Chartered institution of wastes management (CIWM), 10-13 June 2008, Paignton, UK.

Druckman, A, P Bradley and T Jackson 2008. Waste and resource mapping. Strategies and technologies for sustainable urban waste management symposium, 21st April 2008, London, UK.

Druckman, A 2008. Gadgets up the gum-tree? The unintended consequences of electronic gadgetry. Desirable future? 18 November 2008, Dana Centre, The Science Museum, London.

Evans, D 2008. Sustainable living in an unsustainable world. The international sociological association's forum of sociology, Barcelona, Spain.

Evans, D and G Cooper 2008. The moral economy of sustainable consumption. The European Sociological Association's (Sociology of Consumption Network) interim meeting, Helsin, Helsinki, Finland.

Gatersleben,  B 2008. Travel behaviour research at the University of Surrey. CTP Meeting at JMP Consultants, 8 May 2008, Bristol, UK.

Hayward, B 2008. Rediscovering the lost forests of Winnie the Pooh: climate change and sustainability education. Scottish FEI Forestry and Education, 13 -14 November 2008, Dunkeld, Scotland.

Gatersleben, B 2008. Motivation of pro-environmental behaviour. Egoism, altruism, anthropocentrism; does it really matter? IAPS Sustainability Symposium, IAPS Conference, Rome, Italy.

Gatersleben, B 2008. RESOLVE. An overview. International Symposium Perspective on Sustainability in Everyday Practices, 6-7 November 2008, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Gatersleben, B and K Westacott 2008. The impact of value consistent and value inconsistent messages on intentions to save energy. IAPS Conference, Rome, Italy.

Gatersleben, B 2008. 21st century living project. EPRG Seminar, 3 Dec 2008, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Karlsson, S, Y Mulugetta and A Vihma 2008. Negotiating solidarity: strategies for adapting G77 institutions to climate change. The sixth International Human Dimensions Workshop (IHDW), New Delhi: India.

Mulugetta, Y, S Karlsson and A Vihma 2008. G77: Tensions between Self Interest and Unity in Climate negotiations. 2nd Global International Studies Conference, Slovenia.

Peters, M and S Fudge 2008. Motivating individual carbon reduction through local government-led community initiatives in the UK. Chapter 13 in T Geerken et al (Eds) (2008) Proceedings of 2nd Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network: ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production Framework for Action’, 10-11 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium.

Peters, M 2008. Educational community-based climate change initiatives in the UK: the role of local government and the experience of participants. 10th Conference on Environmental Education in Europe, 15-19 October 2008, Valletta, Malta.

Räthzel, N and D Uzzell 2008. Changing relations in global environmental change. First ISA Forum for Sociology, Sociology Research and Public Debate, 5-8 September 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

Shaw, R., M Attree and T Jackson 2008. Cost-reflective pricing and the electricity distribution networks. BIEE 7th Academic Conference, Oxford, UK.

Uzzell, D 2008. The challenge of climate change; the challenge for psychology. Australian Psychological Association Annual Conference, 27 September 2008, Hobart, Australia.

Uzzell, D 2008. The ecologization of psychology: Carl Graumann as an influential figure in environmental psychology. IAPS Conference: Urban diversities, biosphere and well-being, 28 July-1 August 2008, Rome: Italy.

Uzzell, D 2008. Changing climate, changing lifestyles, changing psychology. Conference on Sostibilidade e Cultura Ambiental en Galicia, 18 April 2008, Universidad da Coruña, A Coruña, Spain.

Uzzell, D and N Räthzel 2008. Changing relations in global environmental change. Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 22-23 February 2008, Berlin, Germany.


Bradley, P, T Jackson, A Druckman and E Papathanasopoulou 2007. Attributing upstream (process) wastes to household consumption activities - a case study for selected waste streams of the UK; 1995 and 2004. 11th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Basel, Switzerland.

Bottrill, C 2007. Internet based tools for behaviour change. Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, UK.

Bottrill, C 2007. The practicalities of creating ethical carbon markets. Workshop: Commodifying Carbon: The Ethics of Markets in Nature. Hosted by the Environmental Change Institute and the Program on the Ethics of the New Biosciences, James Martin 21st Century School.

Druckman, A, P Bradley, E Papathanasopoulou and T Jackson 2007. Measuring progress towards carbon reduction targets in the UK. International Ecological Footprint Conference, Cardiff, Wales.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2007. Towards a low carbon society: a highly disaggregated model of household energy consumption. 11th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Basel, Switzerland.

Evans, D 2007. Towards a sociology of sustainable lifestyles. European Sociological Association's Conference (Environment and Society Network).

Garnett, T and T Jackson 2007. Frost bitten: an exploration of refrigeration dependence in the UK food chain and its implications for climate policy. 11th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 20-22 June 2007, Basel, Switzerland.

Gatersleben, B, W Abrahamse, J Meadows and T Jackson 2007. Materialism and environmental attitudes in young people. Presented at a Special Symposium on Energy, Consumption and Sustainability, Annual Environmental Psychology Conference, August 2007, Bayreuth, Germany.

Gatersleben, B, W Abrahamse, J Meadows and T Jackson 2007. Materialistic and environmental values of young adults. Social Psychology Open Day, 2007. University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Mulugetta, Y and S Fudge 2007. Policy conversations in climate change and the place of NGO's.  DANGO Conference. Non Governmental Organizations and Politics in Contemporary Britain, 5-6 July 2007, Birmingham University, Birmingham, UK.

Peacock, A, P Banfill, S Turan, D Jenkins, M Ahadzi, D Bowles, G Bowles, D Kane, M Newborough, P Eames et al. 2007. Reducing CO2 emissions through refurbishment of UK housing. Energy markets and sustainability in a larger Europe. ECEEE, Florence, Italy.

Shaw, R, M Attree, T Jackson and M Kay 2007. Reducing distribution losses by delaying peak demand: a case study for domestic (unrestricted) consumers in the United Utilities region. 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. CIRED, Vienna, Austria.

Shaw, R, M Attree, M Haniak, M Kay and T Jackson 2007. A tool to analyse the regulatory incentives on a distribution network operator at a project level. 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. CIRED, Vienna, Austria.

Uzzell, D and N Räthzel 2007. Transformative sustainability, transforming policy research. 7th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology (Division of the German Association of Psychology), September 2007, Bayreuth, Germany.

Uzzell, D and N Räthzel 2007. Scrutinizing the bill: the need for transformative environmental education. 4th World Environmental Education Congress, 2-6 July 2007, Durban, South Africa.


Bradley, P, A Druckman, E Papathanasopoulou, P Sinclair and T Jackson 2006. Attributing waste to household functional use – a pilot framework and case application for the UK. 9th Biennial Conference on the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), 15-19 December 2006, Delhi, India.

Druckman, A, P Sinclair and T Jackson 2006. Household resource inequalities: a highly socio-economically disaggregated model. International Sociological Association for the XVI World Congress, 23-29 July 2006, Durban, South Africa.

Jackson, T, E Papathanasopoulou, P Bradley and A Druckman 2006. Attributing carbon emissions to functional household needs: a pilot framework for the UK. International Conference on Regional and Urban Modelling, 1-2 June 2006, Brussels, Belgium.

Jackson, T and M Pepper 2006. Consumerism as theodicy: an exploration of secular and religious meaning functions in modern society. ISET International Conference on 'Countering Consumerism: secular and religious approaches, London Metropolitan University, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2006. Where is the wellbeing dividend? Consumption, inequality and sustainability.  ESRC Seminar on Inequality and Sustainable Consumption University of East Anglia.

Peacock, A, P Banfill, S Turan, D Jenkins, M Ahadzi, G Bowles, D Kane, M Newborough, P Eames, H Singh et al. 2006. Reducing CO2 emissions through refurbishment of UK housing. Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe, ECEEE. Florence, Italy.


Other Publications


Jackson, T 2012. Prospérité sans croissance: comment faire? Constructif 31: January 2012.


Bedford, T, K Burningham, G Cooper, N Green, N and T Jackson 2011. Low Carbon Leisure. Britain in 2012: Annual magazine of the ESRC: 11.

Benzie, M, A Harvey, K Burningham, N Hodgson and A Siddiqi 2011. Vulnerability to heat waves and drought: adaptation to climate change. Report for Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Bottrill, C 2006. UKERC Working Paper: Personal Carbon Trading: The case for excluding ground public transportation. Oxford: Environmental Change Institute.

Dilaver, Z and L C Hunt 2011. Turkish aggregate electricity demand: an outlook to 2020. Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 132, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A, Y Hartfree, D Hirsch and K Perren 2011. Sustainable income standards: Towards a greener minimum? York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Read Summary here.

Fudge, S and M Peters 2011. Broader behavioural focus needed to mitigate climate change. Science for environment policy: European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service, edited by SCU, The University of the West of England, Bristol.

Hayward, B., and T. Jackson 2011. New Graduates Face a More Uncertain Future Than Ever Before.

Hayward, B 2011. The Young and the Not so Restless 28 April ed. Christchurch Press.

Jackson, T 2011. Wir Unersättlichen. Die Zeit. 27 October 2011, No. 44.

Jackson, T 2011. The Economics of Happiness. China Dialogue Special Series February 21-25, 2011.

Jackson, T 2011. Vision? Dezember 2012, SOL-Kalender 2012 (Sol Zeitschrift fur Solidarität, Ökologie und Lebensstil).

Jackson, T and B Hayward 2011. Visions for change: recommendations for effective policies on sustainable lifestyles. UNEP Report 2011.

Milne, S 2011. Carbon intensity of UK household consumption: scenarios to 2030. Doctoral Thesis, awarded July 2011, RESOLVE, Centre for Environmental Strategy. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Milne, S 2011. Consuming Carbon: RESOLVE Scenarios to 2030 for UK Household Consumption, November 2011. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Murtagh, N 2011. Campus round-up: It makes you sick. The Times Higher Education. 6th January 2011.

Murtagh, N 2011. Research featured in C Woodside (2011). It isn’t easy being green. Nature Climate Change 1(1), 13 -15.

Offer, G, N Meah and A Coke 2011. Enabling a transition to low carbon economies in developing countries: case study: Bangladesh. Discussion Paper, Energy Future Lab, Imperial College, London.

Peters, M 2011. Creating the right climate. New Start, the magazine for making better places, 6th April.

Peters, M. 2011. Driving low carbon communities. Local Government Chronicle, 10th October.

Turner, D, K N Yamano, A Druckman, Jung S Ha, De J Fence, S McIntyre and M Munday 2011. An input-output carbon accounting tool: with carbon footprint estimates for the UK and Scotland. Fraser Economic Commentary Special Issue: Energy and Pollution. January 2011: 6-20.


Bedford, T, C Collingwood, A Darnton, D Evans, B Gatersleben, W Abrahmase and T Jackson 2010. Motivations for pro-environmental behaviour. Defra.

Bradley, P, T Jackson and A Druckman 2010. The development of commercial local area resource and emissions modelling. Climate change: policy evidence and evaluation. Office of national statistics. University College London, Gower Street, London.

Broadstock, D, A Collins and L C Hunt 2010. Transportation oil demand consumer preferences and asymmetric price responses: some UK evidence. Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 126, University of Surrey.

Dilaver, Z and L C Hunt 2010. Modelling and forecasting Turkish residential electricity demand, Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 131, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Dilaver, Z and L C Hunt 2010. Industrial electricity demand for Turkey: a Structural Time Series Analysis, Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 129, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2010. Carbon footprint of UK households, The Encyclopaedia of Earth (

Druckman, A and T Jackson 2010. Minimum needs, minimum carbon? Exploring the carbon footprint of minimum income diets. The Food Magazine. London, UK, The Food Commission.

Filippini, M and L C Hunt 2010. Energy demand and energy efficiency in the OECD countries: a stochastic demand frontier approach. Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 127, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Filippini, M and L C Hunt 2010. US residential energy demand and energy efficiency: a stochastic demand frontier approach. Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 130, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fudge, S 2010. European integrated report on the Focus Groups. BarEnergy report (d27).

Hayward, B 2010. Parks key to Kiwi wellbeing. The Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Hayward, B 2010. Where have all the Adults gone 10 December ed. Open Democracy.

Kukla, C, A Druckman and T Jackson 2010. 21st century living project: evaluating current and historic household electricity and gas consumption. In Report to the 21st Century Living Project, 10 March 2010.

Murtagh, N 2010. Flight disruption 'like hearing you are ill’. BBC News Surrey, 31st December 2010.


Abdallah, S, A Knuutila, T Jackson and N Marks 2009. The 2009 R-ISEW (Regional Index of Sustainable Economic Well-being) for all the English regions. Report prepared for EMDA. London: New Economics Foundation.

Abdallah, S, A Knuutila, E Neitzert, E Lawlor, A Esteben and T Jackson 2009. Scoping project for development regional index of sustainable economic well-being. Report prepared for EMDA. London: New Economics Foundation.

Bedford, T, P Collingwood, A Darnton, D Evans, B Gatersleben, W Abrahamse and T Jackson 2009. Motivations for pro-environmental behaviour. A research report completed for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs London: Defra.

Bottrill, C, S Papageorgiou and M Jones 2009. Jam packed - Part 1: audience travel emissions from festivals 2008. Environmental Change Institute and Julie's Bicycle, London.

Broadstock, D and L C Hunt 2009. Quantifying the impact of exogenous non-economic factors on UK transport oil demand. Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 123, University of Surrey.

Fudge, S, I Preston and T Bedford 2009. WP4 Stakeholder Interviews. National Report United Kingdom. BarEnergy report D19.

Fudge, S 2009. WP 6: Focus groups. National report UK. BarEnergy Project deliverable D26.

Hayward, B 2009. Our changing climate: Can we grow and remain happy? Women Talking Politics 7 (Summer): 1-3.

Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without growth? An alternative perspective on economic recovery. Outreach Issues, 12 May 2009: 1-2.

Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without growth? The Transition to a Sustainable Economy. London: Sustainable Development Commission.

Jackson, T, J Porritt, A Lee and V Anderson 2009. A Sustainable New Deal - a fiscal package for economic social and environmental recovery. London: Sustainable Development Commission.

Peters, M 2010. Reaching a bigger audience, in T. Levitt and K. Moses: Do environmentalists and governments hold back sustainable lifestyles? The Ecologist, 4th August 2010.

Peters, M, R Clift, P Sinclair, S Fudge and D Ogunkunle 2009. An empirical study exploring the views of local residents to the proposed eco-village at Dunsfold Aerodrome, Surrey. Report by RESOLVE and the Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, Guildford.


Adeyemi, T, D Broadstock, M Chitnis, L C Hunt and G Judge 2008. Asymmetric price responses and the underlying energy demand trend: are the substitutes or complements? Evidence from Modelling OECD Aggregate Energy Demand. Discussion Paper SEEDS 121 ed. University of Surrey: Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC).

Fudge, S 2008. Making political science matter: debating knowledge, research and method. (Eds) S Schram and B Caterino. Book review in Energy Policy 36:1.

Cooper, G 2008. Sustainable lifestyles: tense online discussions. Britain in 2009: the state of the nation. Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council.

Hallsworth, A, T Lewington and T Jackson 2008. Sustainable consumption and consumer policy. A report to the Department for Business, Efficiency and Regulatory Reform (BERR). Guildford: University of Surrey.

Jackson, T 2008. Review of Michael Northcott's A Moral Climate. Sofia 89, 23.

Jackson, T, N McBride, S Abdallah and N Marks 2008. (Regional) Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare. Contribution to beyond GDP: virtual indicator expo.

Jackson, T 2008. A blatant failure of moral vision. The Guardian S2 Environment, 16 January 2008.

Jackson, T 2008. An immoral climate. The Guardian, 16 January 2008.

Jackson, T, N McBride, S Abdallah and N Marks 2008. Measuring regional progress: a regional index of sustainable economic well-being (R-ISEW) for all English regions. A report to East Midlands Development Agency. London: nef.


Abrahamse, W 2007. Energy conservation through behavioural change: examining the effectiveness of a tailor-made approach. University of Groningen, Department of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Ahmadian, M, M Chitnis and L C Hunt 2007. Gasoline demand, pricing policy and social welfare in Iran. Surrey Energy Economics Centre Working Paper SEEDS 118. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Amarawickrama, H and L C Hunt 2007. Electricity Demand for Sri Lanka: A Time Series Analysis, Surrey Energy Economics Centre Working Paper SEEDS 118. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Fawcett, T, C Bottrill, B Boardman, and G Lye 2007. UKERC Report: Scoping Study into Trialling Personal Carbon Allowances (PCAs). Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University.

Fudge, S 2007. Review of 'Science, Culture and Modern State Formation' by P.Carroll. Science Studies 20: 1.

Himanshu, A, A Amarawickrama and L C Hunt 2007. Electricity demand for Sri Lanka: A Time Series Analysis, Surrey Energy Economics Centre Working Paper SEEDS 118, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Jackson, T 2007. Lord make me a green tourist - but not just yet. The Edge, July 2007: 9-10.

Jackson, T 2007. Plane stupidity? What we think about giving up flying, Britain in 2008, Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council.

Jackson, T 2007. Review of offer A: The Challenge of Affluence. Social Policy and Administration 41 (7): 787-789.

Jackson, T 2007. Where on earth will it end? Consumerism as Theodicy. Sofia 85: 5-9.

Palmer, J, B Boardman, C Bottrill, S Darby, S Darby, M Hinnells, G Killip, R Layberry and H Lovell 2007. Reducing the environmental impact of housing. Final Report. Royal Commission on Environmental Pullution's 26th Report on the Urban Environment.

Pepper, M 2007. Christianity and sustainable consumption: a social psychological investigation. PhD thesis, University of Surrey, UK.

Peters, M 2007. Lifestyle research study: selected findings from a questionnaire-based survey with residents in the London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames. RESOLVE report to Richmond Council. 


Abrahamse, W and D Evans 2006. Interdisciplinary research on lifestyles and the environment, Paper presented at an ESRC seminar for early career researchers working on consumption, Birkbeck College, London, October 2006.

Adeyemi, O I and L C Hunt 2006. Modelling OECD industrial energy demand: asymmetric price responses and energy - saving technical change, Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 115, University of Surrey, December 2006.

Al-Rabbaie, A and L C Hunt 2006. OECD energy demand: modelling underlying energy demand trends using the Structural Time Series Model. Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 114. Guildford: University of Surrey.

Black, C, D Broadstock, A Collins and L C Hunt 2006. Food superstores, food deserts and traffic generation in the UK: A semi-parametric regression approach’, Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 112, University of Surrey.

Bradley, P, A Druckman, T Jackson and E Papathanasopoulou 2006. Attributing carbon requirements to households using input-output techniques: data recommendations, RESOLVE discussion document, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Bottrill, C 2006. ECI Report: Are we wasting the web? Using the internet for social learning and knowledge exchange. Environmental Change Institute, Oxford.

Bottrill, C 2006. Understanding domestic tradeable quotas (DTQs) and personal carbon allowances (PCAs). Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University.

Bottrill, C 2006. Report from the personal carbon trading: an exploratory research and policy workshop. UK Energy Research Centre Meeting Place, Imperial College, London, October 2006.

Chontanawat, J, L C Hunt and R Pierse 2006. Causality between energy consumption and GDP: Evidence 30 OECD and 78 non-OECD countries, Surrey Energy Economics Centre (SEEC) Discussion Paper, SEEDS 113, University of Surrey, June 2006.

Jackson, T 2006. Beyond the Wellbeing Paradox: wellbeing, consumption growth and sustainability. New Economics Foundation: London.

Jackson, T, T McBride and N Marks 2006. An index of sustainable economic wellbeing for the Yorkshire and Humber region. A report for Yorkshire futures. New Economics Foundation. 2006.

Marks, N, S Thompson, R Eckersley, T Jackson and T Kasser 2006. Sustainable development and well-being: relationships, challenges and policy implications. A report by the centre for wellbeing, nef on Wellbeing Project 3b for Defra. 1-135 New Economics Foundation: London.

Papathanasopoulou, E 2006. Attributing carbon to UK household expenditure: the use of proxy data, RESOLVE discussion document, Guildford: University of Surrey.

Powell, J C, R Tinch, O White and M Peters 2006. Successful approaches to sustainable procurement: A report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Defra, London.

Uzzell, D, R Muckle, T Jackson, J Ogden, J Barnett, B Gatersleben, P Hegarty and E Papathanasopoulou 2006. Choice matters - alternative approaches to encourage sustainable consumption and production. Technical Report to Defra.



Jackson, T 2012. About Time. New Economics Foundation Lecture, 11 January 2012. London, UK.

Jackson, T 2012. Conference in Barcelona. Spanish launch of Prosperity without Growth (Keynote). 26 January 2012. Barcelona, Spain.

Jackson, T 2012 Conference in Madrid. Spanish launch of Prosperity without Growth (Keynote). 27 January 2012. Madrid, Spain.

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben, B and D Uzzell 2012. When it comes to how I travel, who am I? The 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology. 29-31 August 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Murtagh, N, B Gatersleben and D Uzzell 2012. Identity, behaviour and resistance to change in regular travel. The 5th­ International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology. 29-31 August 2012. Groningen, The Netherlands.


Armstrong, A 2011. Mindfulness and compulsive buying. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference, 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Bedford, T 2011. Sustainable and Meaningful Lifestyles? Valuing serious leisure. Living Sustainably: values, policies, practices. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Chitnis, M, A Druckman, L C Hunt and T Jackson 2011. Predicting UK household expenditure and associated GHG emissions: Outlook to 2030. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Chitnis, M, S Sorrell, A Druckman and T Jackson 2011. Estimating rebound effects from technical energy efficiency improvements by UK Households. 34th IAEE International Conference, 19-23 June 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2011. Modelling UK household expenditure and the contribution of economic versus non-economic factors. Living Sustainably, values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Coke, A 2011. Practical manifestations of transition: exploring food activities in the transition movement. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Druckman, A 2011. Addicted to carbon? The embeddedness of carbon in UK lifestyles, and why kicking the habit is so hard. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Fudge, S 2011. Governing the UK's shift to a low-carbon economy: coordinating sustainability at multiple levels. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Gatersleben, B, N Murtagh and W Abrahamse 2011. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Hayward, B 2011. Rethinking sustainability for a new generation: understanding the implications of youth struggles for citizenship, agency and freedom. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without growth. A Better Life for All: prosperity in a limited world (Keynote). 20 May 2011, Trier, Germany.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without growth. German launch of ‘Prosperity Without Growth: Economics for Finite Planet’. 23 May 2011. Munich, Germany.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without growth. ÜBER LEBENSKUNST Festival. 20 August 2011, Berlin, Germany.

Jackson., T 2011. From Scarcity to prosperity - new energies for a greener economy, European Green Summer University. 10 September 2011, Slubice, Poland.

Jackson, T 2011. L’impresa nel nuovo contesto: Qualità e Responsabilità. Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato. 29 September 2011, Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

Jackson, T 2011. Keep out the Giraffes. Schumacher Centenary Festival (Keynote). 8 October 2011, Bristol, UK.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without Growth. Oikos conference (Keynote). 17 October 2011, Ghent, Belgium.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without Growth. Climate Change: Change of Climate. 18 October 2011, Groningen, Netherlands.

Jackson, T 2011. Contradictions and oxymorons: or how to upset your government.  RESPONDER 1st European Dialogue on Sustainable Consumption and Economic Growth (Keynote). 20 October 2011, Berlin, Germany.

Jackson, T 2011. Where is the new economy? Prosperity, work and sustainability 'after the crisis'. Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability (Keynote).8 November 2011, Newcastle, UK

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without growth – The transition to a sustainable economy. Danish Ecological Council. 11 November 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without growth. The Green Foundation round table meeting. 26 November 2011, Athens, Greece.

Jackson, T 2011. Prosperity without growth. ZEIT CONFERENCE European Green Capital 2011. 12 December 2011, Hamburg, Germany.

Kukla, C 2011. Lost in Transition – household approaches to fairness in carbon reduction. Presented at the RESOLVE Conference: Living Sustainably: values policies and practices. London, 15 June 2011.

Milne, S 2011. Carbon intensity of UK household consumption: scenarios to 2030. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Murtagh, N 2011. Identity threat and resistance to change: I am the type of person who will only travel by car. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Peters, M 2011. Community engagement and local level action to combat climate change.  Community energy action: opportunities and barriers. University of Edinburgh. 9 June 2011.

Peters, M 2011. Community engagement in sustainable living: concepts, practice, challenges and opportunities. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Peters, M 2011. The promise and limitations of community groups in promoting sustainable consumption and behaviour at local level. 6th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 11-13 July 2011.

Spinney, J 2011. Beyond the sovereign consumer: towards a sociology of innovation, expectation and practice in laptop marketing and design. Living sustainably: values, policies, practices. RESOLVE Conference. 15 June 2011, Mary Ward House, London, UK.

Uzzell, D 2011. Unsustainable behaviours. Conference on ‘changing behaviour, changing society? Responses to climate change’. University of Newcastle, 23rd June 2011, Newcastle, UK.


Bradley, P, T Jackson and A Druckman 2010. The development of Commercial Local Area Resource and Emissions Modelling. Climate Change: Policy Evidence and Evaluation. Office for National Statistics. 15 Jan 2010, University College, London, UK.

Fudge, S 2010. Governing the consumer-policy interface: rationality, responsibility and complexity. Behaviour change, Energy and Climate Change Conference (BECC). 15-18 November 2010, Sacramento, USA.

Hayward, B and N Green 2010. I hate Morrison's mosquito: understanding young people's e-struggle for public space. Horniman Museum Youth Conference. 27 November 2010. London, UK.

Hayward, B 2010. Seeds of ecological citizenship: understanding transformative experiences in children’s citizenship. RESOLVE/Surrey Political Science Joint Seminar. 20 October 2010, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK..

Hayward, B 2010. Shades of green: research methods about citizenship and children. UK Teachers Training Conference in Social Science Research. 12 March 2010, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

Hayward, B, T Jackson and D Evans 2010. UK Youth: The conflicts of contemporary lifestyles. Global survey on sustainable lifestyles. UNEP Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles, Sweden.

Hayward, B 2010. The social handprint: towards a new politics of sustainability. University of Oslo Conference. 6 June 2010, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

Hayward, B 2010. Growing greens: understanding children's citizenship and environmental agency. Centre for Environmental Education Research Conference. 11 March 2010, University of Bath, UK.

Hayward, B and T Jackson 2010. Understanding the implications of youth attitudes to sustainable lifestyles. GUNI Conference on Higher Education and Sustainability Teaching. 24-26 November 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

Hayward, B and T Jackson 2010. Living the good life? Comparing the aspirations and sustainability of lifestyles of young New Zealanders and UK citizens. University of Canterbury Sustainability Forum. 12 Feb 2010. University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without growth. European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN), March 2010, Madrid, Spain.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without growth. European Parliament meeting on Decoupling (Keynote), March 2010, Brussels, Belgium.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without growth. Quakers debate (Keynote). March 2010, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without growth. British Sociological Associations Annual Debate on Climate Change (Keynote), March 2010, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without Growth. London School of Economics Sustainability Lecture, February 2010, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2010. Is Prosperity without growth possible? RSA debate, February 2010, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without growth. The Princes’ Foundation for the Built Environment Conference on the New Economy (Invited talk), February 2010, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2010. Redefining prosperity. January 2010, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Jackson, T 2010. Prosperity without growth. January 2010, St Andrews University, Fife, Scotland,

Kukla, C 2010. What role could fairness play in household energy reductions? Post Graduate Research Conference ‘Human Behaviour and Climate Change’, 21 September 2010, University of Cardiff, Wales.

Kukla, C 2010. What role could fairness play in household energy reductions? RC UK Energy Review, 27 October 2010, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Murtagh, N, D Uzzell and B Gatersleben 2010. Identity threat and resistance to change: evidence in transport-related behaviour. The British Psychological Society Social Psychology Conference. 7-9 September 2010. Winchester, UK.

Peters, M 2010. Reaching people: engaging and educating communities. Falmouth Energy Week Conference. 24-25 May 2010, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.

Peters, M 2010. The demand side of energy security: community responses. Energy Security in a Multipolar World, Environmental Change Institute, October 2010, Oxford, UK.

Uzzell, D 2010. Psychology and climate change: collective solutions to a global problem. Joint British Academy/British Psychological Society Annual Lecture 2010, 23 September 2010, Royal Society, London, UK.

White, E 2010. Life histories. 26th March 2010, invited lecture at Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK.


Abrahamse, W 2009. Encouraging sustainable food consumption: the role of threatened identity. Landcare Seminar Series, 12 June 2009, Lincoln University Christchurch, New Zealand.

Abrahamse, W 2009. Interventions to encourage behaviour change. Psychology Department Seminar Series, 8 June 2009, Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand.

Abrahamse, W 2009. Encouraging sustainable food consumption. Invited talk at Roundtable Discussion on Sustainability Issues. Department of Marketing, 3 June 2009. University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Armstrong, A, B Gatersleben and T Jackson 2009. Can mindfulness help reduce consumption? 8th Biennial Conference of Environmental Psychology. 6-9 September 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.

Chitnis, M, A Druckman, L C Hunt and T Jackson 2009. Predicting energy expenditure and associated GHG emissions for UK households: where will it be in 2020? RESOLVE Conference, Sustainable Lives? The Challenges of Low-Carbon Living, A Changing Economic Climate, 18 June 2009, London, UK.

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2009. UK household disaggregated energy expenditure demand: contributions of economic and non-economic factors. IAEE International Conference, Energy, Economy, Environment: The Global View, 21-24 June 2009, San Francisco, USA.

Chitnis, M, A Druckman, L Hunt, S Milne and T Jackson 2009. Analysing the role of lifestyles in determining UK household energy demand and GHG emissions: predictions and scenarios to 2050. Conference on Energy Economics and Technology. Long-term energy trends - where will we be in 2050? 3 April 2009, Dresden, Germany.

Fudge, S 2009. Reaching consensus on a global, low carbon-future: the long and winding road to Copenhagen. RESOLVE Conference, Sustainable Lives? The challenges of low carbon living in a changing economic climate, 18 June 2009, London, UK.

Fudge, S 2009. Reducing carbon emissions through demand end initiatives: how realistic is it for behaviour change to bridge the policy gap? First European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Behaviour, 18-20 October 2009, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Hayward, B 2009. Children of the market? NZ children's attitudes to citizenship and their ability to change their environment. Exploring Subjectivity, Politics, and the Natural Environment. Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.

Hayward, B 2009. Children's changing attitudes to their citizenship, environment and political agency: Bowling with a Sponsor? 14 October 2009, Keele University, Newcastle under-Lyme, UK.

Hayward, B 2009. Global Sustainable Lifestyle Survey: Attitudes of Young New Zealanders. United Nations Environment Programme Global Survey International Research Workshop. Paris, France.

Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without growth. The Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability Annual Conference (Invited talk), 17 December 2009, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2009. Klima Forum, Degrowth Symposium (Keynote). December 2009. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jackson, T 2009. Klima Forum, Limits to growth Symposium (Keynote). December 2009. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jackson, T 2009. EU event on Greening the GDP (Keynote), December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jackson, T 2009. Denkwerk Zukunft Conference ‘Prosperity without Growth’ (Keynote), November 2009, Berlin, Germany.

Jackson, T 2009. Economics for a Finite Planet Ends Lecture, 10 November 2009, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2009. Cylch Annual Conference ‘Enduring values; new horizons’ (Keynote). 22-23 October 2009, Cardiff, Wales, UK.

Jackson, T 2009. Copenhagen Business School Lecture, October 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jackson, T 2009. International Society of Conservation Biology Conference (Keynote), Prague, Czech Republic.

Jackson, T 2009. Balaton Group Annual Conference (Keynote). September 2009, Budapest, Hungary.

Jackson, T 2009. The 2009 Eionet workshop on Sustainable Consumption and Productions (Keynote), 24-25 September 2009, Freiburg, Switzerland.

Jackson, T 2009. Prosperity without growth – Environment on the Edge Lecture, 29 October 2009, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.

Jackson, T 2009. SCPnet Annual Conference (Keynote). April 2009, Manchester, UK.

Jackson, T 2009. Consumerism as Theodicy – Breathing Space (Keynote lecture). February 2009, Newcastle, UK.

Jackson, T 2009. Live well by consuming less? NEFCC Seminar series on Climate Change (Keynote lecture), February 2009, Newcastle, UK.

Peters, M 2009. Community action on climate change: linking local government responses in the UK to concepts of social organisation. 5th World Environmental Education Congress, 10-14 May 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Peters, M 2009. Community engagement and education: key concepts, opportunities and challenges. RESOLVE Conference, Sustainable Lives? The challenges of low carbon living in a changing economic climate, 18 June 2009, London, UK.

Spinney, J 2009. A chance to catch a breath: using mobile video ethnography in cycling research. ESRC Seminar on Mobility and Nomadicity Methodologies, Limerick University, Limerick, Ireland.

Spinney, J 2009. Mobilising sustainability: partnership working between pro-cycling NGO and local government in London (UK). Cycling and Society Symposium, University of Bolton, Bolton, UK.

Spinney, J 2009. Demanding consumers or creative producers? Exploring the producer-consumer interface. SDRN Conference, Wellcome Building, London, UK.

Spinney, J 2009. Demanding goods: complicating notions of public good(s) in constructions of the citizen-consumer. RGS-IBG, Manchester, UK.

Spinney, J 2009. Cycling, ethnography and practice. Ethnographies of Cycling Workshop, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Spinney, J 2009. Imagining the consumer: conceptualising the user in a hi-tech firm. Joint Actions on Climate Change Conference, Aalborg, Denmark.

Spinney, J 2009. Imagining the consumer: conceptualising the user in a hi-tech firm. Sustainable Lives? The Challenges of low carbon living in a changing economic climate, London, UK.

Spinney, J 2009. Moving spaces: urban cycling and the sensory construction of place. Reading University Geography Dept Seminar Series, Reading University, Reading, Berkshire, UK.


Armstrong, A and T Jackson 2008. Tied up in nots: an exploration of the link between consumption and spirituality. European Sociological Association Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Chitnis, M and L C Hunt 2008. Consumer demand estimation for different goods and services. Rethinking Consumption Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand.

Fudge, S, Y Mulugetta and M Peters 2008. Negotiating the macro and the micro policy terrain towards a low-carbon economy. Climate change impacts and adaptation: Dangerous rates of change Conference, 22-24 September 2008, University of Exeter and Met Office, Exeter, UK.

Fudge S 2008. The impact of the Landfill Tax, the Climate Change Levy, and the Aggregates Tax.  Invited talk at the Sustainable Development in the Construction Industry Conference, 30 September 2008, Rembrandt Hotel, London, UK.

Fudge S 2008. Regulating climate change and governing environmental risk in the EU. Energizing Europe Conference, 16-17 May 2008. BERR, London, UK.

Fudge, S, T Jackson, Y Mulugetta and M Peters 2008. The political economy of energy regulation in the UK 1945-2007: paradigms and policy. 7th BIEE Academic Conference, The New Energy Challenge: Security and Sustainability, 24-25 September 2008, Oxford, UK.

Jackson, T 2008. Values and sustainability. Public debate hosted by the RSA and WWF-UK. December 2008, RSA, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2008. Changing behaviour at community level: lessons from theory and practice. Community Action on Climate Change: Encouraging Sustainable Energy use and Practical Carbon Reduction (Keynote), 11 December 2008, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Jackson, T 2008. Sustainability in universities: shifting values, changing practices. Sustainable practice in universities:  leading and improving, 4 September 2008, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Uzzell, D 2008. Human behaviour and climate change: a social justice issue. 2nd Annual Psychology Day at the United Nations, Psychology and Social Justice Related to the UN Global Agenda, 19 November 2008, New York, USA.

Uzzell, D, N Räthzel and D Lumsden 2008. The importance of context in the interpretation of cross-cultural environmental attitudes. IAPS Conference, Urban Diversities, biosphere and well-being. 28 July - 1 August 2008. Rome, Italy.

Uzzell, D 2008. Challenging issues for the psychology of climate change, invited paper for Presidential Symposium on Psychological Research to Meet the Global Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainable Development. 116th American Psychological Association Annual Convention, 14-17 August 2008, Boston, USA.


Abrahamse, W 2007. Voluntary behaviour change: three burning issues. Voluntary Behaviour Change workshop, 15-16 October 2007. Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.

Adeyemi, T, D Broadstock, M Chitnis and L C Hunt 2007. Modelling OECD aggregate energy demand: asymmetric price responses and the underlying energy demand trend: are they substitutes or complements? The 9th IAEE European Energy Conference, Energy Markets and Sustainability in a Larger Europe, Florence, Italy.

Bradley, P and T Jackson 2007. A new method for mapping business waste. National Industrial Symbiosis Programme Researcher Symposium. Birmingham, UK.

Jackson, T 2007. Measuring progress. ESRC conference ‘Working Together: Delivering the Sub-National Review (Keynote), December 2007, Brighton, UK.

Jackson, T 2007. House of Lords Waste Reduction Inquiry. November 2007. London, UK.

Jackson, T 2007. ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ Conference (Keynote), October 2007, Emory University, Atlanta, USA.

Jackson, T 2007. Gallup Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Forum (Keynote), October 2007, Washington DC, USA.

Jackson, T 2007. Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference (Keynote), October 2007, Montreal, Canada.

Jackson, T 2007. Annual Sustainable Development Research Conference (Keynote). September 2007, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2007. Sea of Faith Conference (Keynote), July 2007, Leicester, UK.

Jackson, T 2007. Energy in Regional Development Conference (Keynote), June 2007, Cornwall, UK.

Jackson, T 2007. BRASS International Footprinting Conference (Keynote), May 2007. Cardiff, Wales, UK.

Stancioiu, O, G Speller and D Uzzell 2007. Public space: everybody's, nobody's or mine? A case study of Manastur, Cluj in post-communist Romania. International Scientific Symposium Housing and Environmental Conditions in Post-Communist Countries, the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.

Uzzell, D 2007. Conflict on the route to sustainable development. Swedish Environmental Psychology Association, 12-13 November 2007, Lund, Sweden.

Uzzell, D 2007. Critical comments for critical times: Questioning psychology's contribution to a sustainable society. Conference on Sostibilidade, Valores e Medio Ambiente, 8 November 2007, Universidad Da Coruña.

Uzzell, D 2007. Critical perspectives on the psychology of sustainability. Conference on Problems of the Environment and the Consequences of Climate Change, 25 September 2007, University of Paris X-Nanterre, France.

Uzzell, D 2007. How to Succeed? Factors to consider when encouraging behaviour change. Conference for Ändra Ditt Beteende För Miljöns Bästa, 20 September 2007, Solna, Sweden.


Abrahamse, W and D Evans 2006. Understanding Sustainable Energy Consumption: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives. ESRC Cultures of Consumption Workshop. December 2006. Birbeck College.

Jackson, T 2006. ISET Conference on Religious and Secular Approaches to Consumerism (Keynote), May 2006, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2006. The European Environment Advisory Council (Keynote), May 2006, Brussels, Belgium.

Jackson, T 2006. Defra/Nef Seminar on Sustainability and Wellbeing (Keynote), July 2006, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2006. Belgian Council for Sustainable Development (Keynote), October 2006, Brussels, Belgium.

Jackson, T 2006. Westminster Sustainable Business Forum (Keynote), October 2006, London, UK.

Jackson, T 2006. The Tyndall Centres Annual Assembly (Keynote), November 2006, Norwich, UK.

Jackson, T 2006. East Midlands Development Agency Conference (Keynote), November 2006, Nottingham, UK.

Jackson, T 2006. UNEP Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (Keynote), November 2006, Paris, France.

Pepper, M, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2006. Christianity and Consumerism: views from the pews. Countering Consumerism: secular and religious approaches, London Metropolitan University, London, UK.

Pepper, M, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2006. Christianity and Sustainable Consumption: an investigation of religiosity and consumer behaviours. Religion and the Individual: BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Conference. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Pepper, M, T Jackson and D Uzzell 2006. Environmentalism in Churches: attitudes and behaviours of UK Christians. Critical Perspectives on Religion and Environment, Birmingham, UK.