Dr. Justin Spinney

Visiting Fellow

Justin joined RESOLVE in March 2008 as a research fellow and left in 2010 and is now a Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey. Working across the social-psychological and sociological strands of the project, Justin's research focuses on the producer/ consumer interface and the negotiation of meaning in relation to lifestyles, environmental values and everyday life. In particular Justin's work explores (i) the role of consumers as producers of cultural meaning within organisational and business contexts, (ii) the importance of embodied and affective understandings in shaping everyday cultural practices and values, and (iii) the influence of social networks on behaviours and values. Prior to arriving at Surrey Justin studied in the Geography department of Royal Holloway University of London where he completed a PhD in Cultural Geography entitled 'Cycling the City: Movement, meaning and practice'. Taking the overwhelmingly instrumental production of urban space as its point of departure, this research conducted in London (UK) used mobile ethnography to investigate a variety of urban cycling cultures in order to highlight alternative spatial practices and the production of contingent cultural meanings by cyclists in their everyday practices.

Research Interests

The relations between instrumental, embodied and symbolic aspects of consumption. The role of space and place in (re)producing values and behaviours. The use of video within ethnographic methodologies and particularly in relation to mobile and embodied practices. The construction and negotiation of environmental meanings within businesses and stakeholder organisations. Sustainable mobilities.
Selected Publication/Conference Presentations


Spinney J, 2008 (forthcoming) "Cycling between the traffic: mobility, identity and space" Urban Design Journal, www.udg.org.uk

Spinney J, 2007 "Cycling the city: non-place and the sensory construction of meaning in a mobile practice" in Horton D, Rosen P & Cox P (Eds) Cycling & Society (Ashgate, Aldershot), p25-46

Spinney J, 2006 "A place of sense: a kinaesthetic ethnography of cyclists on Mt Ventoux" Environment and Planning D; Society & Space, Vol. 24, No. 5, p709-732

Conference Papers

Spinney J, 2008 "Ways of waiting: constructing the time-space of the urban cyclist" paper presented in session 4: 'Senses and the rhythms and temporalities of the city' of the ESRC funded seminar series 'Senses and the City', January 30th 2008

Spinney J, 2006 "So what does that feel like? Evoking and representing the unspeakable" paper presented in the session 'Mobile Methodologies: researching mobile experiences' at the Royal Geographical Society International Geography Conference, September 1st 2006

Spinney J, 2006 "The mobile community: circulating knowledges in everyday urban practice" paper presented in the session 'Urban Mobilities: movement, practice and meaning' at the Association of American Geographers Conference, March 10th 2006

Spinney J, 2005 "Intense spaces and non-places: movement, meaning and cycling in the city" paper presented in the session 'Urban Sustainability: rethinking senses of place' at the Royal Geographical Society International Geography Conference, August 31st 2005